What is Artificial Intelligence

Will Artificial Intelligence really Rule the world one day?

Yes, AI will overcome every obstacle that its development is facing currently and rule over every part of world in near future. But, before you jump to conclusion, Don't start taking it negatively and fear AI.

AI is developed to understand our lives and make our life even more easier. It's sole purpose is to facilitate humans.

Now people may also talk infront of you about Humans Vs Artificially Intelligent Robots (AI Robo Wars)

Artificial Intelligence Vs Humans Controversy

let me clear this thing too. Some people may argue about it I know, But AI is actually dependent upon us Humans to instruct and make use of it. There are three different kind of AI that Engineers and Programmers are working on so we shall also try to understand that what kind of research and development is being done on these AI systems.

For every argument there must be logic and concrete evidence supporting it, We are not going to make argument about it but rather understand what AI actually is and How we are and we will benefit from it.

I Will cover Following Topics one by one:

  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Understanding AI
  • Types of Artificial Intelligence
  • Examples of Artificial Intelligence Types

So, firstly I will start the Topic with basic understanding of what AI(Artificial Intelligence) actually is.

Lets Start :)

What is Artificial Intelligence?

AI will make Human Life much easier one day!
Artificial Intelligence is simulation of Human intelligence and thinking abilities  by machines, especially Computers. This is based upon learning (which is acquisition of provided information and using constraints and rules in order to implement it) and Reasoning based upon given tasks.

Today AI is vastly growing in every field. Technologists and Programmers are developing such smart AI systems that can be used in fields of Economic, Medicine and even Law enforcement.
Just think of a second that If a system is fed with enough data of medical treatment it can be deployed to such remote areas where you can't find a doctor for prescribing relevant medicine on spot easily. Artificially intelligent systems could save millions of lives when advanced in medical uses.

Artificial Intelligence can be such strong one day that it can help understand complicated cases of economical crises and make better decisions then humans based on previously experienced data. Computers don't lie or try to cheat so it can also benefit in removing corruption with help of Artificial Intelligence.

What are Three major Types of Artificial Intelligence?

Theoretically, Artificial Intelligence have 3 Types which are
  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
  2.  Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
  3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

An Example of Artificial Narrow Intelligence, also known as weak AI, is Virtual Assistant such as Apple's Siri. It is designed and trained for a particular task and has very low information and ability to respond towards its environment.

  2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

These systems will have abilities of cognitive human minds and adapt to situations presented by their environment to them. These smart system will enact how human could have tried to respond to queries.
Example for Artificial General Intelligence is AlphaGo. AGI systems are being researched to b developed smart enough to respond to unfamiliar tasks and give solutions.

3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Super Intelligence is a part of insight which is more dominant and advanced than a human's knowledge. Human's knowledge is viewed as a standout among the most fit and formative. Genius can outperform human knowledge , it can consider reflections which are IMPOSSIBLE for people to think. The human cerebrum is made of neurons and is accordingly obliged to somewhere in the range of billion neurons.

Artificial super intelligence is a term referring to the time when the capability of computers will surpass humans. “Artificial intelligence,” which has been much used since the 1970s, refers to the ability of computers to mimic human thought. Artificial super intelligence goes a step beyond, and posits a world in which a computer’s cognitive ability is superior to a human’s.

I hope you learned from this article more about artificial intelligence. 

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