Best Way To Secure Your Personal Information against any threat is to use best security practices in place. Either you're a tech savvy who loves gadgets and work with them all day or one who likes to live a minimalist lifestyle. It is important for you to stay prepared against any threat to your computer or to your personal information/personal Data.
Follow these guidelines to secure your personal data and keep your information safe.
We will answer following Questions in this blog:
- Is your computer safe?
- How to secure your personal Computer and Laptop
- Free Antivirus Software
- Online World and Facebook breach
Is your Computer Safe?
If you use Desktop computer or prefer laptop due to its mobility, chances are there as your device comes equipped with a built-in webcam.While it’s unlikely hackers would target your laptop, it’s always better to play it safe when it comes to online security. In the event your webcam is compromised, hackers can view your webcam or even listen your personal life conversations, potentially leading to a host of problems.How to Secure your Personal Computer(PC) and Laptop from Hackers?
In addition to covering your webcam, you should also:
- Keep your Firewall enabled
- Use a good antivirus
- Don't install cracked software as they can contain malware or scripts that can compromise your computer security.
- Shut down your laptop or computer when your done with work and not using it.
- Avoid Opening Unknown Emails.Never open any email from an unknown or suspicious source.
Free Antivirus
Avast Stop even the most determined hackers from getting their hands on what’s yours. Webcam Shield provides security against concealed spies for your built-in camera. And Ransomware Shield makes sure no one can encrypt your documents without your consent.
Avast Free Antivirus raises the bar on security with real-time protection, intelligent threat-detection, and added security for your network, passwords, and browser. Easy to install and easy to use, no other free antivirus comes close.
Its always better to be safe then sorry! You can download Avast Antivirus by clicking the download button below:
Most subjective to data breaches is one's online activities while surfing the internet.The data these companies or apps collect can also fall into wrong hands. Recently, 87 million Facebook users where discovered by a firm called Cambridge Analytica stored their personal information. The firm got this data through Facebook’s settings, which aren’t always easy to locate.
In order to secure your information from Facebook and other social media sites, it’s best to double-check which permissions you give to each app. Typically, you can find your data and permission's information under the “Settings” tab and view what third-party apps have access to your profile(s). From there, you can disable permission from certain apps and even request they delete your current stored data.
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Do you know of any other ways to protect your personal computer?
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